Saturday 6 March 2010

Kerryn's 1st durian

Since Kerryn is turning 1 year old in less than 30 days, we decided to let her try some durian so that next time, we can all go eat durian together. Kelly had to go through at least 3 rounds of trying before she started to like durian so we did not hold too high hope on Kerryn for the first attempt.

Daddy fed her durian.

Gave a weird look.

Gave a wan-to-puke look.

Looks fine again.

and she puke!

Sunday 28 February 2010

End of CNY

Today is 正月初十五 and it marks the end of Chinese New Year. This is also a day where most children are the happiest as they get to see how many red packets had they collected and how much money can they save into their bank account. Kelly and Kerryn were overjoyed by the red packets displayed. Thank you Grandpa, uncles and aunties for all the well wishes that came with the red packets.

Kelly and Kerryn with their red packets!