Thursday 30 April 2009

End of Confinement

It has been 28 days since Mummy and Kerryn was discharged from hospital. In this 1 month, Kerryn had grown so much, both physically and socially. After a month of total breastfeeding, she has put on substantial weight, especially on her cheek, thighs and arms. From a newborn whom only knew how to drink, sleep, pee and poo to a 1 month old who can show all kinds of expressions, staring into our eyes, making coo-ing sound, etc.

We were supposed to engage the same CL but who knows she already got a job for end of March and thus she introduced another friend of hers to us. Although the latter CL does not cook as nice as the former one, but overall, it was a pleasant experience.

Before the former CL went back Malaysia, she dropped by at our place the night before to stay. It was nice of her to visit us and checked that everything is alright.

Former CL with Kelly whom she took care of and current CL who took care of Kerryn.

Thank you aunty for your food and advice in the past 28days!

Wednesday 29 April 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy!!!

April is a busy month, following Kelly's birthday, it is Daddy's birthday. Since Mummy still doing confinement, dinning out is a no-no. Just liked 2 years ago when Mummy was doing confinement when we had Kelly, our CL cooked some cantonese dishes for Daddy.

Daddy requested for some of his childhood cantonese dishes and so happened that this CL knows how to make and it tasted almost the same as what Daddy's grandma had made for him when he was a little boy. We can see that Daddy was really contented on his pancake.

Daddy with his memory pancake and the must have 面线lunch!

For dinner, CL made us her best known dish - 酿豆腐. We must say that they were really super yummy. It been a while since we have had such good ones. Mummy is gonna try making them one of these days!

Tuesday 28 April 2009

Kerryn is 1 month old

Kerryn is officially 1 month old today and for Chinese, it is a tradition to shave baby on this day to mark the start of a new life. Before we brought Kerryn for her shave, Mummy gave Kelly a new look, the short fringe is the look now!

Kelly giving a Marilyn Monroe pose!

Kelly with Kerryn...

Whenever Kerryn is sleeping, Kelly will show the shhhh sign to ask everyone to be quiet...

Kelly's long awaited hug to Kerryn...

Finally the 2 princesses are awake to take a picture together!

After the rain, we brought Kerryn for her shave. We really wondered how she could slept through the process just liked when she was having her shower and drinking her milk. Kerryn looked absolutely cute in her botak head!!!

Monday 27 April 2009

Kerryn's full month presents

We thank our dear friends for the gifts, Ang baos and the pleasant company once again. After the luncheon yesterday that ended at dinner time, we finally found time today to take pictures of Kerryn with all her gifts.

Kerryn among her gifts and Ang baos...

closeup of Kerryn with her smiley face...

Kerryn with her gifts opened up.

Sunday 26 April 2009

Full month celebration

We celebrated Kerryn's full month with a group of close friends at our humble home this afternoon. Being experienced with Kelly's full month party 2 years ago, we were better in scheduling our friends for the lunch so that we can have more interaction with each and every one. On the whole, the luncheon went on very well just that we did not take enough photos.

Just like Kelly, Kerryn slept through the whole luncheon and did not woke up till 5pm, only Kenneth and Joey, Jiayan and Jhuming got to see her awake.

Kerryn sleeping before lunch...

still sleeping during lunch...

Kerryn gave a do-not-disturb look.

Out of the many guests, we were glad to have Mrs Jennifer Loh, Mummy's secondary school teacher visiting us. It's been 2 years since we last met though we kept in contact via phone all the while.

Kelly's godmama, Kris and Jeron with bb Kayla who is 3 weeks older than Kerryn.

Stephie came with hubby, Asher and Leshia.

Along with the above came the gang from Asia Outdoor, Mike, Rachel with Jimmy and bb Richmond, Russell with Elynn and Ethan, and many others. Thank you pals for the wonderful company!