Saturday 2 August 2008

Traumatise Night - First Hospital Visit

Daddy came back from his course at 5pm and was carrying Kelly around the house when suddenly he rushed out and showed Mummy the pool of blood coming out of Kelly's right nostril. We were shocked by the amount of blood that dripped on Kelly's shirt, arm and thigh and even on Daddy's shirt. Our immediate action was to put her on the bed to stop the bleeding and to clean away the blood with mucus. Daddy went down to the GP but it was already closed and since the bleeding stopped, we decided to bring Kelly for checkup tomorrow morning and continued with the usual stuffs.

While Daddy was watching his Liverpool match in the night, Kelly kept waking up crying and demand being carried to stop the crying. Once we put her down, she will start crying again. After a few rounds of struggle, we saw a bit of blood coming out of her right nostril again and this time we knew we need to send her to hospital. We rushed out to TMC but only to know that their 24hr clinic is only a GP operating and was directed to KKH where the doctors specialised in children cases. The wait was 2hrs but doctor Benny do not have any conclusion and scheduled Kelly for a follow up in 1 week time. We pray that Kelly is well and nothing serious will befall her.

Kallang McDonald and Downtown East

We dropped Daddy at Kallang sea sports club for his kayaking course and we proceeded to Kallng McDonald to meet up with Aunty Serene, Uncle Bernard and Shernise for breakfast. The last time we saw Shernise was during her birthday and she has changed so much. We love her blonde wavy hair, she looks like a Barbie doll with her big round eyes.

After breakfast, we drove to Downtown East to explore the place after the major renovation. The place is indeed impressive with a Cadbury Ferris wheel, Cinema, Bowling alley, eXplorerkid and lots of eating outlets.

We stopped by at Streets Cafe for afternoon tea. The wanton noodle and chicken baked rice that we ordered was delicious. Kelly enjoyed my Ice Lime Soda too!

Monday 28 July 2008

MMR jab

Kelly had her MMR jab today. Before the jab, Doctor Yvonne accessed Kelly on her mobile and hearing skill, everything is well and good.

The great discovery is that Kelly might be a left hander. She has been using her left hand to pick up things, wave goodbye, hold a pen, etc. The conclusion is that she might be a very artistic person as she uses more of her right brain.

At 14mths, Kelly is able to dance and sing. Although she can't articulate each and every word but her humming is very obvious and sometimes we can know the song she is trying to sing. We love her dancing and singing absolutely, she can shake her hands, her body, her butt and stamp her feet!

Sunday 27 July 2008

Gallop Stable @ Pasir Ris

Morning, Mummy went down to pack Fried Carrot Cake for breakfast. To let Kelly have a choice, Mummy packed the white and black one, both with chilli, yum yum.
Black and White carrot cake with a cup of water...
Kelly likes drinking from her Baby Toon cup...

After Daddy came home from his weekly soccer game. We proceed to Gallop Stable at Pasir Ris Park. Gallop Stable actually reminded Mummy of Uncle Senneth's horse riding resort located at Legend Golf and Resort where Daddy and Mummy had one of our outdoor wedding shots at the stable.

The place is packed with adults and children riding horses, feeding the ponies and skating. Kelly was thrilled when she saw the horses and ponies from a distance but as we were approaching, she became scare. I think because the horses do not look like the pink unicorn that she has at home.

Skeptical and careful...
We took a walk to Pasir Ris beach which is quite a distance from Gallop Stable. Kelly had lots of fun running around on the grass patch and all she does is sing, dance and say 'Wow, wow, wow.' When we were about to leave, Kelly waved Goodbye to the horses and ponies.

Talking and Singing

Kelly enjoys talking and singing in the car, it is always a pleasure enjoying her singing but when the singing continued for 10mins, it can get a bit deafening!