Saturday 19 July 2008

Baby Lecia's full month

We attended Aunty Stephie's second child, Baby Lecia's full month today. We met Aunty Jeanelle + Faith, Aunty Ginette + Maishia and Aunty Cynthia + Cherelle, all the Daddy are present too. Asher sure looked like a big Gorgor now.
Baby Lecia sleeping and awake...

Kelly busy climbing up and down the stairs...
Naughty Kelly!

Thursday 17 July 2008

Kelly loves fruits

Kelly loves to eat fruits, especially apple, pear, grape, strawberry, kiwi...

Tuesday 15 July 2008

Right brain - Term 1 Lesson 1 + Pizza

Today is Kelly's first lesson for Right Brain training. There were supposed to be 4 toddlers per class but in the end only Shawn n Kelly turned up. 2 kids to start with is good, the concentration is there and there is also more space for the mummies to move around.

Teacher did quite a lot of activities during the 1hour class including flash card for linked memory, princess cardboards for ribbons counting, white rabbit with furry ears for sensory, japanese song based on farm animals, red and blue strawberry for parent and child telepathy, etc. Kelly enjoyed the most during song singing session, she will dance and sway along with the music. We look forward to the next few class and see how Kelly progress.

After class, we had lunch at Pizza Hut. We ordered the latest Starzbites cheesy extreme pizza. Kelly and Daddy love it extremely.

1, 2, 3...cheese

cheeky smile...

1, 2, 3...pose (notice how Kelly pause at the count of 3)

delicious pizza...

yum yum...cheesy starzbites with extra cheese

Kelly loves drinking from water bottle, she can drink 4 bottles a day!!!