Teacher Liana taught us a few new songs in class today and as compared to the old songs, Mummy preferred the new ones. Kelly likes to go around shaking her friends' hand and giving them high-5.
We started Kelly with puzzle for practical session and she seems to be doing well. She can do a lot better in shapes, especially square. Kelly can work with cyclinder better this week, she can place back most of the cyclinder in the correct place. Daddy introduced the pink tower to Kelly but Kelly can't seems to figure out how it works, we will work on it next week. The last item Kelly did was scoping red beans from one bowl to another using a spoon, she can't hold the spoon very well yet. The most terrible part is she refused to put the spoon back and make a big fuss, Mummy got no choice but to bring her to one corner and talked to her till she put the spoon down.
After class, we meet up with Aunty Cynthia, Uncle YS and Ryan didi for brunch. Ryan didi came with 2 cuts near his eye, it was a relief to know that he did not injured his eyeball. Daddy brought the 2 kids to ride on the coin operated toy car and surprising, Ryan didi cried once the car moved. All of us laughed till we nearly rolled on the floor.