Yamaha only takes in kids from 3 years old onwards and finally we found Christofori that offers Baby Mozart from 18months onwards. Without much choice, we went for the trial class. Kelly was overjoyed when she knew she was going for a music class, she can't stop asking when will she reach, where is the music class, etc. When she reached the centre, she happily climbed onto the piano chair to sit, wanting so much to lay her fingers on the keyboard but was rejected by the teachers. We walked away 5 minutes after the class started because what they taught was basically singing and running around with the toys given, not interesting and educating at all. What a big disappointment!
Kelly on the piano chair...
Since its still early, we asked if Kelly wanted to have McDonald's or Ikea breakfast and she gladly choosed Ikea breakfast and off we went to Tampines. Before reaching the carpark, there is a donation drive by Salvation Army and Kelly generously dropped some money in to share with the needy people.
Compassionate Kelly...